Monday, May 30, 2011

Oh the blogging continues....

It's been a few weeks since I last wrote anything. I know some of you who read this are wondering if I am ever going to do another one. Well I guess I am!!! HAHAHA.... So I guess I'll start off with what has been going on.

I am out of the Army. Going to Las Vegas in June. Working on designs for headstock's to my guitars. Looking up tools for the school. Looking into part time jobs. Looking for other ways to finance school just in case. Trying to stay out of trouble!

I have another month or so until I am out for good. I'm nervous. I kind of miss the Army, as weird as it sounds. The daily stuff, ie. seeing my friends, soldiers, helicopters, pilots. Being in the middle of all the crap that goes on. I will definitely miss the paycheck! But it's not about the money, it might have been at first. But it wasn't for the last few years I was in. I enjoyed the job, the people(for the most part) and the thought that I was part of something bigger. Now, I'm glad I'm done and moving on. Just miss the little stuff.

I'm going to Las Vegas in June to meet a friend (who was there for me during my last tour), have a good time and actually see what Vegas is all about. This will be my first trip there. So..... it will be all new to me. I'll also try gambling.

I'm also working on designs for guitars and headstock's for my school I will be attending. That seems to be the hardest part so far. Coming up or working on designs for something I love. I want to make something that is natural feeling. Like you could pick it up and just know it was meant to be in your hands. So, I'm starting with the headstock. I may have to change it after I build my first guitar body, but oh well. It keeps me occupied, sorta.

I've also been looking into tools for the school. Just little things you need to really start building. It is a massive list. Plus you need all the regular school stuff. Pens, pencils, binders, notebooks, paper and the sort. Just checking things off one by one as I purchase them.

The financing part seems to be a small worry to me. I paid into the military GI Bill, and now I have chosen to use the Post 9/11 GI Bill. It pays out more, and really gives you tons more options. But if your options are going to a tech school or a non degree granting school...... good luck. They don't pay until October, and who knows if the VA will actually help out buying the tools! Plus I don't want to work while I am out there, but I may need too. We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. You'll enjoy Vegas! There's so much to see and do...and well, it's kind of fun to walk from place to place with a beer in your hand with no 9:30 in the morning.
    I'm excited to see some of your designs too - they'll be great! It's a whole new adventure!
