Monday, May 2, 2011

First day at the VA, a new beard, and naps!

I keep procrastinating and not adding any new blogs.

My first day at the VA was last week. Like I usually do, I woke up late and had to rush to get ready. I made it to the 4th floor on time........... in the wrong area of the Temple Texas VA!!! Dangit.......... now I have to rush to the right place. Luckily they have already taken into account that most people will do this. So I was safe. And the good thing is you don't get in trouble for being late. No one gets called, no paperwork is done to try and take your money.

Pretty much the best thing to do is go to your VA when you get out and just check it out. There are so many people there that will help you. There are alot of people that want to talk to you about all kinds of things too. Characters some people may call them. I call them crazy! But seriously, you can't go wrong going in and checking out the VA just to see how it is.

When soldiers came back from Vietnam, Korea, or even Iraq the first time they weren't very willing to go to the VA because they heard horror stories. Or it was just too difficult for them. Or they just wanted to seperate themselves from the Military. But its just a hospital, a place for you to get help for your issues you recieved during your service. I don't like hospitals, so that kept me away at first.

I had a physical........ or something similar to a questionnaire physical. Not so much touching me and doing crazy things. But you do get asked all kinds of questions about how things happened to you. Make sure you know where you get hurt, how you got hurt and you went to the TMC/hospital when you were in. Otherwise its harder for them to get you compensation.

I know I said I wouldn't grow out my beard..... but I did. I think I'll only keep it for a month, but who knows.
It's bothersome, itches all the time, and just kinda funky feeling for me. Never really could grow a full one, so I'm giving it the old Alpha company try. Best hair in the battalion for 3 years running. I think I can grow a beard! LOL

Here lately I have been taking lots of naps, or sleeping alot. It feels good to wake up sometimes and realize you have nothing to do at all. But I still get that feeling that I need to get going and do stuff. So I clean my bathroom alot, and my bedroom. I need to get to Arizona and start this school............

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