Thursday, April 21, 2011

I didn't forget.......just been enjoying the freedom.

Its been almost a week since I last posted something. I really have been letting this new adventure down. So here goes past events summed up in the only way I know how!

Driving down to Texas we talked about. Make sure and have a good trailer, and truck. Pack your things well, I had nothing break, but I could have done alot better. But I'm in Texas now........ living the civilian life. And man is it hard. I get to sleep in, do whatever I want. See people I haven't seen in years. But mostly I don't have to shave. That makes me very happy@!!!!

Haven't really got any bitches gripes or complains right now,  maybe here in a few minutes.

I can tell you being a newly released guy, I had to check out the VA. I've been putting it off. I went by on Monday this week, but chickened out. That stuff kinda freaks you out. You see the men and women in wheel chairs. The Vietnam Vet hats, the enormous hospital and think to yourself, "I don't really need this. I shouldn't be here."

I'm not in a wheelchair, I have all my fingers and toes. I don't have mental or emotional scars. But, I do know I have minimal problems. Things that I need fixed. I finally mustered up the courage to go yesterday. And what a joyous occassion it was. I had just dropped my friend off from a trip to Killeen. I decided I was right by the VA so I might as well stop in and see what it was all about.

My first sight at the entrance ....... not the hospital entrance, the front roadway entrance. Was 2 police cars, 3 Ambulances and a fire truck. There was a man on the lawn having convulsions and people were holding him down. I'm not sure what happened to him, it just really made me think that i might want to just drive by. but I was already in the turn lane. I proceeded with caution!

After parking and making my way inside I found the info counter and asked the guy what I was supposed to do. He told me to find the piano and turn right, follow the blue line and the admissions desk would be right there. There were signs everywhere, for every thing you can think of. Halls of Honor, Police information, Snack machines, Bathrooms............... Police???

I stopped by the half window/half door. They had free gun locks. I wanted one...... but apparently you can't have one without a DD214. I left all my papers at home. Oh, and you can't just talk to the guy. You have to pick up the "batphone" and chat with him on that.

The admissions desk was somewhat helpful. I didn't notice the line formed up, and was told I had to get in line. 4 times!!! Then I was asked if I had my papers, my Okay, bring those back then you can get in line. HAHAHAHA

Needless to say, the VA is very helpful, you just need your paperwork. Its a hospital so of course I was freaked out. How many times have you gone in to a hospital with some cold, or something and just felt like your illness just didn't cut it. Almost like you needed to be bleeding or have a bone sticking out to be there. Yeah, thats how I felt.

Besides that, all I have really been doing is setting up the apartment my Mom and I are sharing. Going through my papers, my random stuff that I accumulated over 7 years, and just throwing it away or destroying it. I've given some things to Goodwill. I've given stuff to friends. Now I need to fill out VA and DA forms.

In total it cost 750 dollars or so to get from Kansas to Texas. Not bad. But man it drained my account. Gas is so expensive, but at the same time I am driving a V8, 5.7 liter pickup truck. I was hauling over 2500 pounds worth of my junk. And it is cheaper than having someone else move me. And I had my things the whole time.

If anyone out there konws how to start a Non profit organization I want to start one. Something where I can help troops who are getting out go to the VA without feeling creeped out. Or that they have to be lost going inside. Or maybe I'll just google it later. I need some more furniture, so thats what I'll be doing today.

I turned my AARTS into CTC yesterday. Hoping maybe I can get enough credits from my Military experience to possibly get my Associates Degree. Then I'll be able to tell people it took me 13 years to complete a 2 years course! It will also help me, hopefully, get a job.

As the days go on, and I am not working or anything else. I have noticed I am very bored. I need something to do. I should try and paint more, or work on my guitar skills..... something. I'll keep writing in here, hoping to one day have 6 followers! How cool would it be to have 10!!!

For now, I am off! I'll be back soon to spill more information on you in a unintentional way.

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