Monday, April 11, 2011

24 hours left in the Army......

Yeah, only 24.........23 hours left in the army. This time tomorrow I will be heading back home. Saying goodbye to Kansas. Heading back to Texas is going to be great. I have to load all my stuff up tomorrow and drag my rented uhaul trailer for a few hundred miles. I will not be shaving my face for the next few weeks. And I am growing out my hair. Other than that, i will not be smoking the wacky tabacky, or coke-ing it up with some whores!!! I know alot of people may dissapointed in me, but I just can't. I have school to think of and eventually a job/career.

I'll still be posting blogs, and they may go on as rants as this one shall here soon. But they will be informative and helpful to someone one day........ maybe.

I had to pre clear the room today and the civilian who came up here to look at the room was basically wanting me to clean the areas that weren't clean when I came in. I had already left a note saying these barracks where filthy and the office clerk did not like that at all. She swore they cleaned this top to bottom. I think the army is the only place that doesn't understand the words, "normal wear and tear."

I have yet to see poeple so upset when something is used and it comes back dirty or a lil broken. Like a shovel, when you use it the paint the factory puts on comes off. You are shoving a dull blade into dirt and rocks and beetles and worms! Of course the paint is gonna come off. Now if you were in the army and turning said shovel back in, there would be some civilian there to accept it and he/she would tell you to go back and clean it. Basically saying to paint over the shiny parts.

Now, I am all for having clean rooms and a nice place to live. But these are dorms, almost prison cells with a closet. I can't turn the heat off in my room, I can't turn on the air conditioning. I don't have an oven, my "oven top" isn't an oven top. Its not even a "range". I'm 31 yet my room is the same size as the 18 year old that just signed up 6 months ago. Maybe one day the army will give these single soldiers, the ones who have earned the right to be adults a better place to live. Who knows? Maybe I should start a group, Better living conditions for single soldiers. Hell, there is someone downstairs right now that if I were to be loud at some point, would come up here and tell me to stop. If not they will call the MP's, my first sergeant, my commander............ really, I can't just blow off steam how I want too!!! Dammit.....

Oh well, and on another note with living in the barracks............. the parking lot is full of crap ass cars that don't run. Or cars that blare rap music, or country music. I have seen so many guys with their shorts reaching for the pavement this weekend its ridiculous. I guess you can take the homeboy out of the hood, but you can't take the hood out of the homeboy. And I'm not just talking African Americans/blacks. Everyone. There are maybe a handful of people who own belts that actually work for them. I own one of these belts. I use it from time to time to keep my pants from falling down.

Maybe they are just getting ready for when they are so old that pants staying up is a hard part of life. They are helping the muscles out needed to keep them up. I use to have long hair and I would swing it out of my eyes. Thought it looked cool, but it didn't.

Well, thats enough of that, if you see a single soldier and he looks lost. He probably is, all our rooms look exactly alike until you walk into them. Go!

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