Friday, April 8, 2011

5 Days left, Government shut downs and Parking spots

Its 3:30 in the morning, I just woke myself up by coughing. Good times!!

So its the 8th right now, I have 5 days left in the Army. I can grow a beard, cut my hair any way I want too. I can get piercings all over my face! I can get a tattoo of a tiger on the side of my head and have its claws come over one of cheeks. Will I do any of this; probably not. I got things to do! Drugs, boozing and dirty women are low priorities on my list of things to do. Now cleaner women with a good attitude and a go get em spirit....... I may have some time for. But only coffee and then I have got to keep moving.

I keep hearing and seeing people talk about the government shut down. I won't get paid, my friends in the army won't get paid, the guys overseas won't get paid. But we are all suppose to show up and pretend like nothing is wrong. In all fairness, we did raise our right hand and say we would defend this country. Money aside we have a job to do. Sucks, but we will get paid back pay. Even if I am out when this goes down, I will get back pay. I'm getting paid till July 5!!! Thats a good feeling.......paid for being a lazy bum! I'll be busier than a beaver right before the rainy season!!!!

For those of you who don't know, our government can't decide on a budget. We are 4 months into the new year. These politicians get paid between "too much money" and "Way too much money", to always be bickering and fighting over issues they are so out of touch with. I wonder if any of them actually know the kind of horrid conditions some of the schools in America are in, or how little our Teachers are making? Do they know that when they "break" for whatever reason and leave things undone, its hurting America more and more. These are the people who we voted for, they are to be our "voice"! And what are they saying,
"I don't like that", "thats not what I want".... blah blah blah.... always about what they want. The I game. Motherfucker you are not there to compete for some stupid medal that says your the best Senator/Congressman and you damn sure ain't getting no Tshirt for doing a good job! Maybe you can get revoted back in to play golf and do absolutely jack shit for Americans who need it. JEez bunch of lazy ass monkeys in Washington DC. Why did we vote for them again/???? These are the people who have made it possible for our youth's, America's future to believe they are entitled to something. That they do not have to work hard for anything, because everyone gets a damn trophy at the end of baseball season. We all get a pat on the back and a good job when we screw up now! WHAT IS GOING ON?????

I know I didn't have to work as hard as my parents, or grandparent's.  But I do know that hard work and a good job pays off. Or at least it use too. Now its all about how much ass you can kiss, or if you pulled the right number when you walked into the door..... ENOUGH! Work hard, do a good job and you will be rewarded with not being fired. End of Story.

Now, for the past few days I have been going to meetings, interviews and ACAP briefs. The Army makes it easy for soldiers to move into the next chapter in their lives. You get help with resume's, interviews, clothing selections..... pretty much everything. Great ideas, and great planning techniques. My problem is with the parking spaces outside...... and all over Fort Riley.

Does everyone know that you are to put your car in between the white lines? Was there a new law passed that said if you park close enough at the end of the laid out grid of white lines.... its okay, Close enough? I drive around for a few minutes find a parking spot maybe a little further from the door, but its okay, I need the exercise. Some jackass in a damn Cadillac or Jacked up truck decides they just can't walk that far; so they park right next to the lines. Then block the traffic flow and its a pain to try and manuever around them. Assholes!

Well thats enough for this one. Today is my farewell luncheon. Maybe we will have tea and cake. I wonder if anyone will show up......? We'll see!! Till the next time!

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