Friday, April 8, 2011

My farewell Lunch.... how to say goodbye with a french fry in your mouth.

Imagine if you will, a smaller town on the outskirts of a Military Base in Middle America(not middle Earth). There is a cool breeze blowing and a dense fog all around. Numerous women and children running to hide from the shear size of the men and women walking into the corner bar. It's on this main street in Junction City where the Alpha Company Devils will descend upon to eat, laugh and say farewell.......... to ME!!!

Ok, it wasn't that intense, but it was good to see all the guys and girl of the company come out and say goodbye. We had some good food, I gave a speech. The commander was recieving his household goods so he was unable to make it. Too bad, he's a pretty good dude. But he's going to meet me and Wizard for a beer tonight at Bobby T's.

I will miss every single one of these people, some more than others. They have made me laugh, made me mad, made me think maybe I should just not talk anymore. Some have touched me, in ways only two grown men should never talk about again in front of anyone. Some have just grabbed me!! HAHAHAH..... no really I was uncomfortable for a few seconds. The ones who couldn't make it have either moved on to bigger better things, or some have been moved to other companies. Either way, every Devil I have met has been outstanding!

The company got me a travel acoustic guitar gig bag. Not too shabby since I needed one for my classical. Never had a case for it. Now I finally do! I was nervous giving my speech for some reason, these are the same people that I have yelled at numerous times, have told them to work harder, the ones who have come to me for help. I guess I was just nervous I didn't offend anyone. I've burnt alot of bridges so far, and I didn't want to start any more fires today.

All in All it was a good time, it was a sealant added to the closure of a part of my life that I am proud of and glad I got to experience. I could tell you all the achievements this company has made while I was in the ranks. But thats boring. Lets just say we did some amazing stuff, got recoginized for it kinda, and we all made it back.

I'll always remember the times I had, good and bad, while in the Army. Like when I went and asked for mental help.... it got taken care of. Or the time in Korea when we had a water fight in the hallway of our barracks. There was one day when I had one of those silver/aluminum foil blankets on my back and I rode the gator on the flight line next to Mr. Miller and Mr Bollen. GOOD TIMES!

Now if we could just get paid.

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