Sunday, April 10, 2011

Drinking with Chris Mccombs.

Okay, so we decided on one last hoorah. These are the events as best I can remember.

Friday night we headed to Bobby T's in Mahattan, Kansas. We frequent this establishment alot because it is away from the crowds of Aggieville. (If you are not from Manhattan, Kansas; Aggieville is a couple of street blocks that have stores, bars and restaraunts). Leo Amoling was the first on the scene and he secured some seats for us! We sat down and ordered a beer. Our waitress was Bree and I am sure Chris wants to punch her. HAHAHAH. She's ok, but like most Kansas girls...... just lacking in the "friendly" department. Very much a "gosh I have to work now" kinda attitude. But she's cute so I let it pass.

Then Mat and Danielle Porter showed up, or it might have been Bova and Ferido....... not sure. I drank some beers and shots. Brandon Chautin came by and said farewell! Ashley and Chris2( Waldo) came a bit later. Captain Taylor, (we will call him either Commander or Pat from now on), came out too. Captain DiFrancesco came by too, but he was just hungry.

Okay, so we drank, played pool, drank.... took shots, played pool. Eventually the pattern stayed the same. Lara showed up......... I forget his first name. But he was there. We drank some more. Everyone got home safe, Bova drove as the Designated Driver because we are all responsible adults.... so you know we were ok.

I slept until 3:45 the next day..... and then went and found out it was sunny outside, but a "slight" breeze was blowing. I say slight because Mccombs was riding his newly purchased motorcycle and I could swear I saw him swerve from one side of the street to the other. And we were at a red light. Ok, it was just really really windy. Mccombs' bike didn't do that. I exagerated. (spell check)

We were geared up to wear full suits Saturday night. the invite went out and we started to get dressed.... then decided the pants may be too much. So we opted for blue jeans. Then the jackets were tossed aside. By the time we left the barracks Chris and I had lost 9 totaly pounds from sweating in the Sauna that is the barracks. We had gone from wearing a nice shirt, tie and pants......... to a nice shirt, tie and shorts. We looked ready for the beach. I decided a hat would only enhance my ensemble. It did.

As we were heading to Bobby T's again, Pat called. His car was still in the parking lot, and he was on the way. We picked him up. Buell T shirt and shorts. I think I will always remember Pat as the Buell Commander. Not the Harley riding commander. He has a sweet Buell. Anyways....

We pulled into the parking spot and walked in... of course we got stared at. But its all about confidence and Chris and I were just wiping it off. It might have been sweat, but who gives a shit! LOL..... we got "hey nice tie"," hey, nice shorts".... blah blah blah.... all night.

But in the end, we were happy with our choice of attire and we were proud we made it out and didn't pass out from heat exhaustion in the b's.

Recap of the night...... I sent out that mass text. Jed Cooke answered with a resounding HELL YEAH! Martin Rojas even said he would stop by.... Awesome. Ending up, we had Pat, Jed, Martin and his wife Stacey, Bobby Whit, Ashley and Chris2, Bova, Ferido, Collins, Paige Geemoney Gee, Lara, Retter, Chris and Michelle (stopped in for a minute or so)!!! It was a great success!!! (use your best borat voice there)

We had drinks and laughs, but Chris and I both just got tired of the drinking. I was bored with my beers. My dr. Peppers were tasting so much sweeter. Chris was missing Carmen, and I don't blame him. She just left, and lives in Australia so its not like he can just run home to her whenever. We stayed until 2am and went off to Jimmy Johns. HOLY FUCKTARDS IN HIGH HEELS!!!

I forgot how may people go out to Aggieville, I forgot how drunk people look. I was certain we would get mobbed at some point. Luckily we were in and out of that place quick. All the drunk people looked like zombies though, and if it was the apocolypse I woulda been smashing heads.

All in All a good night. Now I gotta pack and get this new chapter in my life started. Stay tuned!

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