Monday, April 11, 2011

Danielle, Mat and Me! Dinner with the Porters!

I know Danielle and Mat are gonna read this, so I was building the suspense and holding off doing this one until later in the night.

I have less than 24 hours in the Active Army as I write this. Basically I wanna pee my pants, but I already went to the bathroom. I'm that excited!!

Mat and Danielle asked me over for a dinner a few nights ago and I accepted, of course. They asked what I would like, and honestly a home cooked meal is better than anything you can go and buy. So I said whatever you are making!

The day started off with me waking up and cleaning a little bit. Then I ran down to get the civilian from the Barracks Storm Trooper Association. Or whatever they are called. He came in and pointed out what was wrong then left. I then went with Chris to WalMart to find some stuff, I bought some hoop earrings and spent about an hour out there. I was in need of a nap.

After said Nap, I arose from slumber and showered. I needed to get a bottle of wine as a token of my appreciation for dinner. It was either that or clean up afterwards. And I don't think Danielle would have let me. I bought two bottles because one looked really cool. The other I was told was very delicious. I have no idea, I don't drink alot of wine.

When I arrived at Danielle and Mat's, Ashlyn was in the window trying to see who was coming in. He was excited, (Ashlyn is their shnauzer)! Danielle opened the door and I was let in! Had to hold Ashlyn still for a moment cuz he was so excited! I could smell the food .......... it was gonna be good. Luckily Danielle can cook and not just burn stuff! LOL

She made a salad with Tomatoes in it, which I never eat and a vinigrette dressing that was very very very good. I eat slow, so I was savoring it all. I usually go for the standard salad with ranch dressing. Glad I am never picky with homemade meals! It was great!

The chicken was even better, and I am so glad there was rice! I love eating rice....... rice and french fries. Those are my happy foods I think. Anyways, I had a great time and I am really sad to be leaving them. I've known Mat since I was in AIT in Virginia. We were in South Korea together at Camp Eagle, and we have been at Riley since 2006.

I think the saying goodbye part is going to be hard, but leaving won't be. Mostly because I'm in the truck, and that makes moving heavy things alot easier over the highways. I'm going to see the guys off at PT this morning and I may swing in to say goodbye to some folks in Battalion when I drop off my papers. Like Leo and Adam if they are there! There are really only a handful of people I desperately want to say goodbye too, but I'll hopefully see them tomorrow.

The road I am about to travel down has several well laid tracks. Many folks have gotten out and done great things. I'm not trying to be the president, or a scientist, I just want to live and be happy. I think that means I want to build and play guitars and sleep in! LOL

I'm not sure when my next status report will be sent in, But I will keep all up to date. As I move my way through Texas and into Arizona I will be posting pictures on Facebook. Its over 860 miles from my hometown to Phoenix, so lots of stops in between. As I progress through school, more pictures will be taken.

Thanks again to Mat and Danielle, you guys are great friends! I hope you guys get a new assignment soon. Kansas seems to be your building block and you two have built a wonderful family! Poodle may need a lesson or two in greetings, but cats are cats. HAHAHA.You guys will do great things, and when you have children they will be super crazy! LOL, You got my number, I don't mind drunk text's. I'll keep in touch!


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