Thursday, April 14, 2011

First Blog From Texas and how I won the West!

 I am in Texas writing my first Blog. I should feel like I am free and clear...... but for some reason I have this little thing in the back of my head telling me to be careful! It feels like any other leave/vacation. Only this time I have a Uhaul trailer following me the whole time.

About that Uhaul, and it's not so fun brakes! I rented to trailer so I could move my stuff back home. It makes my things readily available to me and I can get a little extra money for my troubles. It's cheaper than renting a huge truck. And it has sweet trailer brakes. And it should be easy to haul behing my Nice truck.  No big deal right? Wrong! Kansas is windy........ the little trailer kept whipping back and forth and causing me to slow down. I kept a regular 60 miles per hour, but man did it whip. I had to stop almost as soon as I started because I was so tired from the day of packing and running around, but thats ok. I just needed to rest.

Oklahoma was no better, but it wasn't the wind. It was the roads. If you have never driven through Oklahoma they have a state flag, it reads, "Road Construction Ahead". I went through no less than 4 road construction sites, and kept a constant speed of 60, 50, 10, stop 40, 60 stop. Pretty much I maybe kept the drive at around 55 mph. Great timing. The bad thing is that no matter what you do to keep the trailer from whipping left and right, the roads won't let you. As many times as they are "fixing" I-35 it should be smooth. But its like being on a choppy lake riding as fast as you can in a john boat. Up and down, left and right. You just bounce all over. Granted, some parts are smooth, but not all. And that is why I do not like Oklahoma.

Basically the trailer hates me. It hates going faster than 55. But like Sammy Hagar says, "I can't drive 55!". I loaded this thing down exactly how they want you too, heavy stuff up front and then fill in the rest with lighter stuff. But still the things keeps going crazy. The brakes apply themselves about a second after your vehicles work. The trailer then slams itself to slow down. It may be slightly retarded. Who knows? I can't wait to get rid of it, I would have been better off buying a trailer.

So far my advice if you are moving yourself would be to make sure you have plenty of money in the bank and are ready to spend lots of that money. $308 for the trailer, so far $200 in gas(I have to fill up this morning). I'm in Texas, less than 2 hours from home. I was just so tired I couldn't drive anymore. So I stopped. And where you might ask? The Czech Inn at West, Texas.

I have stopped at numerous Hotels, Motels and Holiday Inns. This one is the best road side stop ever. Huge clean room, great water pressure, and hot water. The staff is super friendly. there is a mexican resteraunt on sight. And I am within walking distance of getting Kolache's!!!! Kolache's are like a sweet roll with fruit or cheese or meat on them. Baked to perfection it is the ultimate in calorie intake and deliciousness all wrapped into one. You can get super fat eating these, but you will be happy doing it.

It's been about a day or so since I left. I miss a few people, some more than others. I'm getting down to the nitty gritty of unloading all of my things. Maybe then I will feel the freedom rush over me in glorious warmth that only Texas can provide. I woke up at 6am this morning for some strange reason, and didn't have to put on a uniform. What am I going to do with myself?? I have had that US Army structure for so long........ oh well, Never needed it before I joined. LOL!

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