Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Blog Post.... finally!

I was checking my Facespace yesterday and my sister wrote a few blogs. I figured I better catch up. Plus, it has been a while since I posted. Thanks Tam for the inspiration.

A new year's resolution 1: to find out why people never use the freaking blinkers anymore.
2: to find out why I have gained so much weight.
3: to find out why I am labeled as a Caucasian.

So, those resolutions aren't the best but I'm doing pretty good so far on em. The first answer is the one I'm still searching for. It's as though people forget or just don't want to waste the energy to use the blinker to let other people know they are gonna go a certain way. "HELLO!!! You are not a ninja in your car, this is not fast and the furious! Let me know so I don't run over your Prius!! It's just a little click on a stick that is attached to your steering column, it is literally withing inches from your fingers. But, you may say, "Jeremy, I am applying makeup/texting/changing radio stations/or reading the paper, I can't just hit the clicker!" Bullshit! Eh, screw it, I'll just pummel your car into oblivion.

2 I have figured this one out fairly easily. I started drinking lots of soda, coffee and monsters. Then I decided my healthy choices of eating should involve some sort of drive up window. Poor decision on my part.

3. When I was exiting the Army I noticed there were so many different boxes to check off of my status as a human. I could be African American, Filipino, Spanish not from Mexico, Spanish, ..... so on and so forth. Then there is the lonely box of Caucasian, and the "other" box.

I was up in arms, just peeved that I had to check Caucasian. Why do I not get to choose Eastern European, or white. Hell, why not American!!! Why do we still have racial boxes?? We wonder about America's Racism levels and then we have these damn boxes! So I decided to do some research. Apparently someone decided that white people came from the Caucus mountains. We apparently descended down the mountains and infused ourselves into Europe and America. Then spread out over the earth. So, I would like to suggest to the race box makers of the world, " we use a skin tone graph. You pick the skin tone you currently have and then everything else will be OK. No race cards or boxes to use. We can just be one giant box of crayolas living our lives.

But, then again... we may melt and just be oozing all over the hot asphalt during a hot summer day. Never mind.

The past year, 2011 for those who forgot, had me moving all over the place for a few months. I started the year off in Iraq, still in the Army and disgruntled. By February I was in Kansas, still disgruntled and in the Army. I was back on American soil though. No more desert, no more carrying guns around. I was in Kansas, there was snow!!! I went home to Texas and bought a pistol. So, I had a gun to carry.

I made my exit from the Armed forces and proceeded home. Stayed with my mom while she vacationed in Texas away from Hawaii. Mainly cuz my step dad was in Afghanistan and she wanted to hang with my grandparents. I worked at the illustrious Bums Sports Bar for a few months. Then moved to Phoenix, AZ. Back into the desert I went. I started my journey of Luthiery, guitar building. It was a daunting task at first. Learning about sanders, and saw blades and types of trees and the woods we use to make instruments. But I figured most of it out and went on a building frenzy. By the time I leave AZ I will have made 4 electric guitars, 1 acoustic, 3 speaker boxes, 1 amplifier and a few dozen new friends. I had also managed to make many a guitar neck. Most of which were unusable, but hey the ones that are on the guitars will work!

Then came 2012. The world will end soon..... maybe. SO what am I to do??? I have decided that I need a house. I need more guns. I need more guitars and amps. I figure one of many things will happen. 1: zombies will become a reality, 2: the entire world will be consumed in a war, 3: aliens will come down and become our new masters, 4: absolutely nothing.

If zombies, war or aliens come. I need a place to make a stand. A house would be great. A couple of generators, a bunch of guns and some canned meat and I'm set. Well, for a little while. I may end up needing to get some flat sheet metal and a couple of welding supplies and books. Make me an up armored truck. Guess I should stock up on fuel too.

Now if nothing happens at all.... well, I still have the house, and the guitars and amps. I'll just rock out!

I'm not crazy or anything, just being realistic.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for a new blog post! It's hard to update when life takes over. I'm pretty sure being prepared for zombies is one of the smartest moves you will make. It's only a matter of time, like you said, it is 2012. The end is near!
