Wednesday, August 15, 2012

School, the Government, and some rocks!

Its Hump Day. Apparently some sort of camel, or a hill will be prevalent today. I'm not sure yet. It is Wednesday and I am going on 2 plus weeks of no work to do. So I have plenty of time to blog, read lots of articles on news websites, and my college books.

On Monday I started my 3 set of 8 week courses at Central Texas College. I'm taking physical geology, government 2, and statistics. Statistics start in another week or so, its online so it will all be on my own time. Government seems to be fun, geology alot funner. I'm just hoping I can get into a school to complete a full on bachelors degree.

I am not well versed in politics, as most Americans today are not. We see the candidates on television damning each other. We hear the ads on the radio whispering to us to vote correctly. We hear the CNN's, the FOX news, and the MSNBC's tell us who is right and wrong. The "experts" give us information/opinions on what should and should not be done for the candidates to win the Presidency. We are charged as normal citizens to pick and choose the candidate we feel most likely to represent us. But its the electoral college that does that. We just go in and do a vote just in case. I guess in a way the popular vote counts by telling our congressman and women, and senators who the people like. I'm still unclear as to how the whole process works.

And that is why I am taking government 2! Government 1 was a great class. I learned that no matter how many times I would read something, none of it made any sense at all. People explain things to me, and the next day I completely forget. I have retained some information though. I know to win a congressional seat you need to spend in excess of 1 million dollars. To become a senator you need to spend about 2 million. The spending does not mean you will win, it just means you have a good chance of winning.

Either way, the government should focus on what the people want, working in the confines of the Constitution, and they should realize they are working for the public(not lobbyists).

Geology- By far the most exciting class for me(at least I hope it is). Rocks, minerals, dirt, sand, erosion, human interaction, planetary buildup......... Environmental studies! On paper and most of the book is boring as hell. The pictures in the book look really neat. I need to know and understand the processes of the Earth. I actually enjoy knowing how the Earth works. Not the world, the Earth. The world is a complicated mess or governments, terrorists, idealists, and people who just want to live with limited interaction from crazy people.

The geology class is full of people. I think the teacher said 39?? It is a required class, but damn! The building barely has A/C now, and all those people in one room make it even hotter. Most of them are mouth breathers- this equates to 5 to 10 degrees added to the room temperature over 30 minutes. Add in the Texas heat making people sweat and you have the most horrendous, foul smelling room. I tolerate it by thinking of South Korea or Iraq "honey-suckers". Its a good class though, and the teacher is pretty rad.

In conclusion, government is important. The Earth is cool. And I'm bored at work yet again.

Everyone should look at Ron Paul, or Gary Johnson(not sure if he is still running). I don't agree with all of Ron Paul's ideas or Johnson either. But I do know Obama is not helping America by giving handouts. Romney is unsure of himself. And this Ryan fellow that Romney picked may beat up Romney at some point. At some point the best we can do is pick a President via shortest straw.

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