Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Oh how long it's been.

So, I've neglected this whole blog thing for a while. So I decided this morning to let my scribe take my thoughts.

I've been doing the guitar building school for a few months now. I'm totally in love. I keep myself super busy and wanting to learn more. It's an art form to do these beautiful instruments. Anyone can walk into a guitar store and pick up a guitar and look at it and say its easy to play, or great looking, or amazing. But to build one and see all the imperfections, to see in your mind how to make it better. That's where the art comes in. You have to make something that is a beautiful, functional, stand-out piece of work for people to see and appreciate.

Not everyone will see the flaws that I do, but hey, they say you are your own worst critic. But then again, there are numerous people out there who only play one type of guitar and only eat one type of food.

Here lately I have been focusing solely on guitar and amplifier building. Trying to take in as much as I can. But you can only learn so much from watching. I need to do more reading, I need to find other luthiers and builders to help me along my way. I have met some amazing luthiers in the class, and all I can say is ......is "wow"!  Make a google search of custom acoustic guitar builders, or guitar luthiers.  Amazing works!

Other than that I have been kinda missing the whole Army thing. Not so much the uniforms and PT and bullshit. Mostly the folks I went to Iraq with, the ones I was in AIT and stationed in South Korea with. I miss the camaraderie. I miss that "family".  All of them know I could do without the PT, shaving and being told to do boring tasks to make someone else look good. But, I'm living the dream and meaning it now.

I've been looking at guitar building jobs in Texas and Tennessee. Not sure which place I'd rather move to. But if all else fails, I'm thinking I should go back to school for my bachelor's in Environmental Science. Ya know, look at some dirt samples, check out some tree's, then say it has some weird fungus on it!

It's off to school I go. I have an acoustic and 2 other electric guitars that need my attention. When I'm finally done with school, I'll probably not be building a lot. But I will be doing repair work. If you or someone you know needs some work done in the Central Texas area, hit me up. I'll be home at Christmas and then I'll be back at the end of January.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Newest New

Let me break it down for you here. I've been busy doing stuff. I've gone to San Antonio with my Mom, brother and his fiance. I've been to Vegas. I got a new Part-Time job. I've applied for the extra class to learn how to use the power tools in woodworking for guitars.

Lets start with San Antonio. I wanted to see the Alamo while I was home. I haven't been in almost 2 decades. It was nice to take a little weekend getaway. We stayed on the Riverwalk, had delicious TexMex and big beers. We walked and walked and walked! We even shopped. We took a riverwalk cruise too. Basically its like Italy, but in Texas and I've never been to Italy. I went into one of the Tallest outlooks in North America. I only one 2 more to go.

Vegas: It was one of those things, someone asked me to go.... I've never been so I went. I had a great time, but got violently sick on my last night there, that part sucked. I was able to gamble in almost every casino I wanted too. The Sahara was closed, that was one I really wanted too. I walked down Freemont, the strip, I stayed in the Stratosphere and was able to go in another of one of the Tallest outlooks in North America. I had tickets to see the Phantom of the Opera, but I was sick, so I missed it. I would highly recommend Vegas to any adult. Just make sure you get a good idea of what you want to do, things you want to see. There is so much to do, and most of people only go for a weekend or a week. Take your time and plan it out well.

My new part time job: Well its not exactly "new", years ago I was working here. It's a bar in my hometown of Temple Texas. Bum's Sports Bar. I figured I was going there enough I might as well get paid to be there. And now I'm making money instead of spending it. Things are different now, but the same. The cash register's are digital now........ creepy!! I'm still great at stocking beer and getting liquor and ice though.

The school stuff, well........ I have a few more months to go. I'll be leaving Texas on August 15th, My brother turns 24, and then I'm leaving!!!! On to Arizona! I will be building guitars and repairing them everyday for 6 to 7 months, I can't wait!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Oh the blogging continues....

It's been a few weeks since I last wrote anything. I know some of you who read this are wondering if I am ever going to do another one. Well I guess I am!!! HAHAHA.... So I guess I'll start off with what has been going on.

I am out of the Army. Going to Las Vegas in June. Working on designs for headstock's to my guitars. Looking up tools for the school. Looking into part time jobs. Looking for other ways to finance school just in case. Trying to stay out of trouble!

I have another month or so until I am out for good. I'm nervous. I kind of miss the Army, as weird as it sounds. The daily stuff, ie. seeing my friends, soldiers, helicopters, pilots. Being in the middle of all the crap that goes on. I will definitely miss the paycheck! But it's not about the money, it might have been at first. But it wasn't for the last few years I was in. I enjoyed the job, the people(for the most part) and the thought that I was part of something bigger. Now, I'm glad I'm done and moving on. Just miss the little stuff.

I'm going to Las Vegas in June to meet a friend (who was there for me during my last tour), have a good time and actually see what Vegas is all about. This will be my first trip there. So..... it will be all new to me. I'll also try gambling.

I'm also working on designs for guitars and headstock's for my school I will be attending. That seems to be the hardest part so far. Coming up or working on designs for something I love. I want to make something that is natural feeling. Like you could pick it up and just know it was meant to be in your hands. So, I'm starting with the headstock. I may have to change it after I build my first guitar body, but oh well. It keeps me occupied, sorta.

I've also been looking into tools for the school. Just little things you need to really start building. It is a massive list. Plus you need all the regular school stuff. Pens, pencils, binders, notebooks, paper and the sort. Just checking things off one by one as I purchase them.

The financing part seems to be a small worry to me. I paid into the military GI Bill, and now I have chosen to use the Post 9/11 GI Bill. It pays out more, and really gives you tons more options. But if your options are going to a tech school or a non degree granting school...... good luck. They don't pay until October, and who knows if the VA will actually help out buying the tools! Plus I don't want to work while I am out there, but I may need too. We'll see.

Monday, May 2, 2011

First day at the VA, a new beard, and naps!

I keep procrastinating and not adding any new blogs.

My first day at the VA was last week. Like I usually do, I woke up late and had to rush to get ready. I made it to the 4th floor on time........... in the wrong area of the Temple Texas VA!!! Dangit.......... now I have to rush to the right place. Luckily they have already taken into account that most people will do this. So I was safe. And the good thing is you don't get in trouble for being late. No one gets called, no paperwork is done to try and take your money.

Pretty much the best thing to do is go to your VA when you get out and just check it out. There are so many people there that will help you. There are alot of people that want to talk to you about all kinds of things too. Characters some people may call them. I call them crazy! But seriously, you can't go wrong going in and checking out the VA just to see how it is.

When soldiers came back from Vietnam, Korea, or even Iraq the first time they weren't very willing to go to the VA because they heard horror stories. Or it was just too difficult for them. Or they just wanted to seperate themselves from the Military. But its just a hospital, a place for you to get help for your issues you recieved during your service. I don't like hospitals, so that kept me away at first.

I had a physical........ or something similar to a questionnaire physical. Not so much touching me and doing crazy things. But you do get asked all kinds of questions about how things happened to you. Make sure you know where you get hurt, how you got hurt and you went to the TMC/hospital when you were in. Otherwise its harder for them to get you compensation.

I know I said I wouldn't grow out my beard..... but I did. I think I'll only keep it for a month, but who knows.
It's bothersome, itches all the time, and just kinda funky feeling for me. Never really could grow a full one, so I'm giving it the old Alpha company try. Best hair in the battalion for 3 years running. I think I can grow a beard! LOL

Here lately I have been taking lots of naps, or sleeping alot. It feels good to wake up sometimes and realize you have nothing to do at all. But I still get that feeling that I need to get going and do stuff. So I clean my bathroom alot, and my bedroom. I need to get to Arizona and start this school............

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I didn't forget.......just been enjoying the freedom.

Its been almost a week since I last posted something. I really have been letting this new adventure down. So here goes past events summed up in the only way I know how!

Driving down to Texas we talked about. Make sure and have a good trailer, and truck. Pack your things well, I had nothing break, but I could have done alot better. But I'm in Texas now........ living the civilian life. And man is it hard. I get to sleep in, do whatever I want. See people I haven't seen in years. But mostly I don't have to shave. That makes me very happy@!!!!

Haven't really got any bitches gripes or complains right now,  maybe here in a few minutes.

I can tell you being a newly released guy, I had to check out the VA. I've been putting it off. I went by on Monday this week, but chickened out. That stuff kinda freaks you out. You see the men and women in wheel chairs. The Vietnam Vet hats, the enormous hospital and think to yourself, "I don't really need this. I shouldn't be here."

I'm not in a wheelchair, I have all my fingers and toes. I don't have mental or emotional scars. But, I do know I have minimal problems. Things that I need fixed. I finally mustered up the courage to go yesterday. And what a joyous occassion it was. I had just dropped my friend off from a trip to Killeen. I decided I was right by the VA so I might as well stop in and see what it was all about.

My first sight at the entrance ....... not the hospital entrance, the front roadway entrance. Was 2 police cars, 3 Ambulances and a fire truck. There was a man on the lawn having convulsions and people were holding him down. I'm not sure what happened to him, it just really made me think that i might want to just drive by. but I was already in the turn lane. I proceeded with caution!

After parking and making my way inside I found the info counter and asked the guy what I was supposed to do. He told me to find the piano and turn right, follow the blue line and the admissions desk would be right there. There were signs everywhere, for every thing you can think of. Halls of Honor, Police information, Snack machines, Bathrooms............... Police???

I stopped by the half window/half door. They had free gun locks. I wanted one...... but apparently you can't have one without a DD214. I left all my papers at home. Oh, and you can't just talk to the guy. You have to pick up the "batphone" and chat with him on that.

The admissions desk was somewhat helpful. I didn't notice the line formed up, and was told I had to get in line. 4 times!!! Then I was asked if I had my papers, my reply.......no. Okay, bring those back then you can get in line. HAHAHAHA

Needless to say, the VA is very helpful, you just need your paperwork. Its a hospital so of course I was freaked out. How many times have you gone in to a hospital with some cold, or something and just felt like your illness just didn't cut it. Almost like you needed to be bleeding or have a bone sticking out to be there. Yeah, thats how I felt.

Besides that, all I have really been doing is setting up the apartment my Mom and I are sharing. Going through my papers, my random stuff that I accumulated over 7 years, and just throwing it away or destroying it. I've given some things to Goodwill. I've given stuff to friends. Now I need to fill out VA and DA forms.

In total it cost 750 dollars or so to get from Kansas to Texas. Not bad. But man it drained my account. Gas is so expensive, but at the same time I am driving a V8, 5.7 liter pickup truck. I was hauling over 2500 pounds worth of my junk. And it is cheaper than having someone else move me. And I had my things the whole time.

If anyone out there konws how to start a Non profit organization I want to start one. Something where I can help troops who are getting out go to the VA without feeling creeped out. Or that they have to be lost going inside. Or maybe I'll just google it later. I need some more furniture, so thats what I'll be doing today.

I turned my AARTS into CTC yesterday. Hoping maybe I can get enough credits from my Military experience to possibly get my Associates Degree. Then I'll be able to tell people it took me 13 years to complete a 2 years course! It will also help me, hopefully, get a job.

As the days go on, and I am not working or anything else. I have noticed I am very bored. I need something to do. I should try and paint more, or work on my guitar skills..... something. I'll keep writing in here, hoping to one day have 6 followers! How cool would it be to have 10!!!

For now, I am off! I'll be back soon to spill more information on you in a unintentional way.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

First Blog From Texas and how I won the West!

 I am in Texas writing my first Blog. I should feel like I am free and clear...... but for some reason I have this little thing in the back of my head telling me to be careful! It feels like any other leave/vacation. Only this time I have a Uhaul trailer following me the whole time.

About that Uhaul, and it's not so fun brakes! I rented to trailer so I could move my stuff back home. It makes my things readily available to me and I can get a little extra money for my troubles. It's cheaper than renting a huge truck. And it has sweet trailer brakes. And it should be easy to haul behing my Nice truck.  No big deal right? Wrong! Kansas is windy........ the little trailer kept whipping back and forth and causing me to slow down. I kept a regular 60 miles per hour, but man did it whip. I had to stop almost as soon as I started because I was so tired from the day of packing and running around, but thats ok. I just needed to rest.

Oklahoma was no better, but it wasn't the wind. It was the roads. If you have never driven through Oklahoma they have a state flag, it reads, "Road Construction Ahead". I went through no less than 4 road construction sites, and kept a constant speed of 60, 50, 10, stop 40, 60 stop. Pretty much I maybe kept the drive at around 55 mph. Great timing. The bad thing is that no matter what you do to keep the trailer from whipping left and right, the roads won't let you. As many times as they are "fixing" I-35 it should be smooth. But its like being on a choppy lake riding as fast as you can in a john boat. Up and down, left and right. You just bounce all over. Granted, some parts are smooth, but not all. And that is why I do not like Oklahoma.

Basically the trailer hates me. It hates going faster than 55. But like Sammy Hagar says, "I can't drive 55!". I loaded this thing down exactly how they want you too, heavy stuff up front and then fill in the rest with lighter stuff. But still the things keeps going crazy. The brakes apply themselves about a second after your vehicles work. The trailer then slams itself to slow down. It may be slightly retarded. Who knows? I can't wait to get rid of it, I would have been better off buying a trailer.

So far my advice if you are moving yourself would be to make sure you have plenty of money in the bank and are ready to spend lots of that money. $308 for the trailer, so far $200 in gas(I have to fill up this morning). I'm in Texas, less than 2 hours from home. I was just so tired I couldn't drive anymore. So I stopped. And where you might ask? The Czech Inn at West, Texas.

I have stopped at numerous Hotels, Motels and Holiday Inns. This one is the best road side stop ever. Huge clean room, great water pressure, and hot water. The staff is super friendly. there is a mexican resteraunt on sight. And I am within walking distance of getting Kolache's!!!! Kolache's are like a sweet roll with fruit or cheese or meat on them. Baked to perfection it is the ultimate in calorie intake and deliciousness all wrapped into one. You can get super fat eating these, but you will be happy doing it.

It's been about a day or so since I left. I miss a few people, some more than others. I'm getting down to the nitty gritty of unloading all of my things. Maybe then I will feel the freedom rush over me in glorious warmth that only Texas can provide. I woke up at 6am this morning for some strange reason, and didn't have to put on a uniform. What am I going to do with myself?? I have had that US Army structure for so long........ oh well, Never needed it before I joined. LOL!

Monday, April 11, 2011

24 hours left in the Army......

Yeah, only 24.........23 hours left in the army. This time tomorrow I will be heading back home. Saying goodbye to Kansas. Heading back to Texas is going to be great. I have to load all my stuff up tomorrow and drag my rented uhaul trailer for a few hundred miles. I will not be shaving my face for the next few weeks. And I am growing out my hair. Other than that, i will not be smoking the wacky tabacky, or coke-ing it up with some whores!!! I know alot of people may dissapointed in me, but I just can't. I have school to think of and eventually a job/career.

I'll still be posting blogs, and they may go on as rants as this one shall here soon. But they will be informative and helpful to someone one day........ maybe.

I had to pre clear the room today and the civilian who came up here to look at the room was basically wanting me to clean the areas that weren't clean when I came in. I had already left a note saying these barracks where filthy and the office clerk did not like that at all. She swore they cleaned this top to bottom. I think the army is the only place that doesn't understand the words, "normal wear and tear."

I have yet to see poeple so upset when something is used and it comes back dirty or a lil broken. Like a shovel, when you use it the paint the factory puts on comes off. You are shoving a dull blade into dirt and rocks and beetles and worms! Of course the paint is gonna come off. Now if you were in the army and turning said shovel back in, there would be some civilian there to accept it and he/she would tell you to go back and clean it. Basically saying to paint over the shiny parts.

Now, I am all for having clean rooms and a nice place to live. But these are dorms, almost prison cells with a closet. I can't turn the heat off in my room, I can't turn on the air conditioning. I don't have an oven, my "oven top" isn't an oven top. Its not even a "range". I'm 31 yet my room is the same size as the 18 year old that just signed up 6 months ago. Maybe one day the army will give these single soldiers, the ones who have earned the right to be adults a better place to live. Who knows? Maybe I should start a group, Better living conditions for single soldiers. Hell, there is someone downstairs right now that if I were to be loud at some point, would come up here and tell me to stop. If not they will call the MP's, my first sergeant, my commander............ really, I can't just blow off steam how I want too!!! Dammit.....

Oh well, and on another note with living in the barracks............. the parking lot is full of crap ass cars that don't run. Or cars that blare rap music, or country music. I have seen so many guys with their shorts reaching for the pavement this weekend its ridiculous. I guess you can take the homeboy out of the hood, but you can't take the hood out of the homeboy. And I'm not just talking African Americans/blacks. Everyone. There are maybe a handful of people who own belts that actually work for them. I own one of these belts. I use it from time to time to keep my pants from falling down.

Maybe they are just getting ready for when they are so old that pants staying up is a hard part of life. They are helping the muscles out needed to keep them up. I use to have long hair and I would swing it out of my eyes. Thought it looked cool, but it didn't.

Well, thats enough of that, if you see a single soldier and he looks lost. He probably is, all our rooms look exactly alike until you walk into them. Go!

Danielle, Mat and Me! Dinner with the Porters!

I know Danielle and Mat are gonna read this, so I was building the suspense and holding off doing this one until later in the night.

I have less than 24 hours in the Active Army as I write this. Basically I wanna pee my pants, but I already went to the bathroom. I'm that excited!!

Mat and Danielle asked me over for a dinner a few nights ago and I accepted, of course. They asked what I would like, and honestly a home cooked meal is better than anything you can go and buy. So I said whatever you are making!

The day started off with me waking up and cleaning a little bit. Then I ran down to get the civilian from the Barracks Storm Trooper Association. Or whatever they are called. He came in and pointed out what was wrong then left. I then went with Chris to WalMart to find some stuff, I bought some hoop earrings and spent about an hour out there. I was in need of a nap.

After said Nap, I arose from slumber and showered. I needed to get a bottle of wine as a token of my appreciation for dinner. It was either that or clean up afterwards. And I don't think Danielle would have let me. I bought two bottles because one looked really cool. The other I was told was very delicious. I have no idea, I don't drink alot of wine.

When I arrived at Danielle and Mat's, Ashlyn was in the window trying to see who was coming in. He was excited, (Ashlyn is their shnauzer)! Danielle opened the door and I was let in! Had to hold Ashlyn still for a moment cuz he was so excited! I could smell the food .......... it was gonna be good. Luckily Danielle can cook and not just burn stuff! LOL

She made a salad with Tomatoes in it, which I never eat and a vinigrette dressing that was very very very good. I eat slow, so I was savoring it all. I usually go for the standard salad with ranch dressing. Glad I am never picky with homemade meals! It was great!

The chicken was even better, and I am so glad there was rice! I love eating rice....... rice and french fries. Those are my happy foods I think. Anyways, I had a great time and I am really sad to be leaving them. I've known Mat since I was in AIT in Virginia. We were in South Korea together at Camp Eagle, and we have been at Riley since 2006.

I think the saying goodbye part is going to be hard, but leaving won't be. Mostly because I'm in the truck, and that makes moving heavy things alot easier over the highways. I'm going to see the guys off at PT this morning and I may swing in to say goodbye to some folks in Battalion when I drop off my papers. Like Leo and Adam if they are there! There are really only a handful of people I desperately want to say goodbye too, but I'll hopefully see them tomorrow.

The road I am about to travel down has several well laid tracks. Many folks have gotten out and done great things. I'm not trying to be the president, or a scientist, I just want to live and be happy. I think that means I want to build and play guitars and sleep in! LOL

I'm not sure when my next status report will be sent in, But I will keep all up to date. As I move my way through Texas and into Arizona I will be posting pictures on Facebook. Its over 860 miles from my hometown to Phoenix, so lots of stops in between. As I progress through school, more pictures will be taken.

Thanks again to Mat and Danielle, you guys are great friends! I hope you guys get a new assignment soon. Kansas seems to be your building block and you two have built a wonderful family! Poodle may need a lesson or two in greetings, but cats are cats. HAHAHA.You guys will do great things, and when you have children they will be super crazy! LOL, You got my number, I don't mind drunk text's. I'll keep in touch!


The best things in life cost about 4 bucks.

Okay, so while I was being the Designated Driver last night. I was thinking. The best things in life are about 4 bucks or less. A beer, about 3 bucks at the bar. A nice drink, maybe a lil more, but you can get the cheaper brand and its about 4 bucks. If you were gonna make a sandwhich, you could make it for less than 4 dollars. Now buying all the crap to make it is gonna cost you about 13 but thats all good. Just a thought I had.

So, I've got Monday and Tuesday left in the Army. Its already 1130 on Monday. I've just finished up my room pre-inspection. Its where they tell you what they are gonna be looking at for cleanliness and stuff. This was news to me, I was prepared to leave it how I got it. Dirty and with stains intact on the walls. I thought thats how they were doing. A new paint scheme or something. They want all this crappy lil room spotless like it just got done being built. And I have no idea why....

Maybe its because they want the next guy to think this is a great place and these are amazing barracks? Or that they want you to be able to be depressed in a very clean room? Who knows. There are some people in America who think the military folks have it easy. That we get paid too much. And that we should have fewer people in the ranks.

Having it easy: I'm not gonna say my job is hard, It's mentally taxing sometimes(or at least it was). I have to be mechanically inclined, and able to speak clearly and with a precise knowledge of what I am doing. I actually have to study to be able to fix some problems. And thats just my job, my NCO part...... jeez. Thats a whole different thing. Its like being a mentor, a problem solver, still being a worker, knowledgeable on the forms of the army, and still deal with my home life. When I was married the thought of being at work for 14 hours a day killed me. I had PT at 630, not bad, but I had to drive 30 minutes to get to work, and you have to be 10 minutes early everywhere. Then to work at 9am. Hopefully I was off work by 4 or so in the afternoon. But usually it was later.

On getting paid too much: Look here, most people in the army struggle just like the rest of Americans. We did something most of them didn't; We said we would defend the country. No one had to force us too, we raised our right hand and said we would. We knew the ramifications if we were ever in a tight spot. We could get hurt, lose an arm or leg, or worse....die. Most careers or jobs I know of don't ask you to go to hostile countries and hang out for a year. Or go to the same places and decide..... hey lets go for a walk in the streets of the most dangerous place on earth right now. But there were guys and sometimes girls doing this. KIDS! Some are just 18 years old. Making maybe 900 bucks a paychek. Really, thats too much??? I never knew. You should be thankful there are people like this in the world who are willing to do this. I didn't do it, and I am thankful there was someone who did. My aircrews and aircraft flew missions over watching these guys. I give much respect to them.

Fewer people in the ranks: Yeah, not even gonna talk about that.

I think in America we should make every 18 year old, able bodied "adult" do 2 years of service. No buying out of contracts, no giving up and hiding behind mommy and daddy. Get your service in and learn how to be repsonsible and get a paycheck. The military isn't for everyone, so this would never work. But I like the thought of it.

I guess with my last few hours in the army I am just reminiscing about old times and things I use to get so upset about. So dumb, the older I get the better off I feel. I did 6 and a half years in the Army. I'm not coming out crazy, shot up or dead. I'm a better person for defending my country and the people who love or hate us. I'll buy a lonely e-3 lunch one day. I'll get a round for the guys coming back from NTC or their first deployment. I'll say thanks. And its weird because when someone does it to me, I freak out. What do you say??? No problem, just doing my job!

I usually wanna end on something good or something that makes you go ........."what the hell is wrong with Jeremy?"

I get to have dinner with Mr and Mrs Porter tonight. AKA Danielle and Mat. I'm gonna go have a good time with them, say goodbye to my company at PT formation and then start my final process. I've had a good run, been 3 or 4 places. Seen some things, done some stuff. I'll miss some folks, others I won't. But thats how it is. I told someone I was successful at everything I did. And then retracted that by saying that if I had been successful at everything, I would have done so much better in the army.

I don't think I was unsuccessful, or overly. But in my mind, I was a success. I helped soldiers, officers and family members. I trained guys to work together and work on a great helicopter. I was part of a group that was recognized nationally for doing good things in Iraq. I've fought the war on terror by wearing a PT belt. I've gone from not knowing what I wanted, to knowing exactly what I want. And I have made friends I will talk to for the rest of my life. So, I was successful......... I can't measure my success on a monatary scale because the military wasn't handing out winning lottery tickets when I joined!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Drinking with Chris Mccombs.

Okay, so we decided on one last hoorah. These are the events as best I can remember.

Friday night we headed to Bobby T's in Mahattan, Kansas. We frequent this establishment alot because it is away from the crowds of Aggieville. (If you are not from Manhattan, Kansas; Aggieville is a couple of street blocks that have stores, bars and restaraunts). Leo Amoling was the first on the scene and he secured some seats for us! We sat down and ordered a beer. Our waitress was Bree and I am sure Chris wants to punch her. HAHAHAH. She's ok, but like most Kansas girls...... just lacking in the "friendly" department. Very much a "gosh I have to work now" kinda attitude. But she's cute so I let it pass.

Then Mat and Danielle Porter showed up, or it might have been Bova and Ferido....... not sure. I drank some beers and shots. Brandon Chautin came by and said farewell! Ashley and Chris2( Waldo) came a bit later. Captain Taylor, (we will call him either Commander or Pat from now on), came out too. Captain DiFrancesco came by too, but he was just hungry.

Okay, so we drank, played pool, drank.... took shots, played pool. Eventually the pattern stayed the same. Lara showed up......... I forget his first name. But he was there. We drank some more. Everyone got home safe, Bova drove as the Designated Driver because we are all responsible adults.... so you know we were ok.

I slept until 3:45 the next day..... and then went and found out it was sunny outside, but a "slight" breeze was blowing. I say slight because Mccombs was riding his newly purchased motorcycle and I could swear I saw him swerve from one side of the street to the other. And we were at a red light. Ok, it was just really really windy. Mccombs' bike didn't do that. I exagerated. (spell check)

We were geared up to wear full suits Saturday night. the invite went out and we started to get dressed.... then decided the pants may be too much. So we opted for blue jeans. Then the jackets were tossed aside. By the time we left the barracks Chris and I had lost 9 totaly pounds from sweating in the Sauna that is the barracks. We had gone from wearing a nice shirt, tie and pants......... to a nice shirt, tie and shorts. We looked ready for the beach. I decided a hat would only enhance my ensemble. It did.

As we were heading to Bobby T's again, Pat called. His car was still in the parking lot, and he was on the way. We picked him up. Buell T shirt and shorts. I think I will always remember Pat as the Buell Commander. Not the Harley riding commander. He has a sweet Buell. Anyways....

We pulled into the parking spot and walked in... of course we got stared at. But its all about confidence and Chris and I were just wiping it off. It might have been sweat, but who gives a shit! LOL..... we got "hey nice tie"," hey, nice shorts".... blah blah blah.... all night.

But in the end, we were happy with our choice of attire and we were proud we made it out and didn't pass out from heat exhaustion in the b's.

Recap of the night...... I sent out that mass text. Jed Cooke answered with a resounding HELL YEAH! Martin Rojas even said he would stop by.... Awesome. Ending up, we had Pat, Jed, Martin and his wife Stacey, Bobby Whit, Ashley and Chris2, Bova, Ferido, Collins, Paige Geemoney Gee, Lara, Retter, Chris and Michelle (stopped in for a minute or so)!!! It was a great success!!! (use your best borat voice there)

We had drinks and laughs, but Chris and I both just got tired of the drinking. I was bored with my beers. My dr. Peppers were tasting so much sweeter. Chris was missing Carmen, and I don't blame him. She just left, and lives in Australia so its not like he can just run home to her whenever. We stayed until 2am and went off to Jimmy Johns. HOLY FUCKTARDS IN HIGH HEELS!!!

I forgot how may people go out to Aggieville, I forgot how drunk people look. I was certain we would get mobbed at some point. Luckily we were in and out of that place quick. All the drunk people looked like zombies though, and if it was the apocolypse I woulda been smashing heads.

All in All a good night. Now I gotta pack and get this new chapter in my life started. Stay tuned!

Friday, April 8, 2011

My farewell Lunch.... how to say goodbye with a french fry in your mouth.

Imagine if you will, a smaller town on the outskirts of a Military Base in Middle America(not middle Earth). There is a cool breeze blowing and a dense fog all around. Numerous women and children running to hide from the shear size of the men and women walking into the corner bar. It's on this main street in Junction City where the Alpha Company Devils will descend upon to eat, laugh and say farewell.......... to ME!!!

Ok, it wasn't that intense, but it was good to see all the guys and girl of the company come out and say goodbye. We had some good food, I gave a speech. The commander was recieving his household goods so he was unable to make it. Too bad, he's a pretty good dude. But he's going to meet me and Wizard for a beer tonight at Bobby T's.

I will miss every single one of these people, some more than others. They have made me laugh, made me mad, made me think maybe I should just not talk anymore. Some have touched me, in ways only two grown men should never talk about again in front of anyone. Some have just grabbed me!! HAHAHAH..... no really I was uncomfortable for a few seconds. The ones who couldn't make it have either moved on to bigger better things, or some have been moved to other companies. Either way, every Devil I have met has been outstanding!

The company got me a travel acoustic guitar gig bag. Not too shabby since I needed one for my classical. Never had a case for it. Now I finally do! I was nervous giving my speech for some reason, these are the same people that I have yelled at numerous times, have told them to work harder, the ones who have come to me for help. I guess I was just nervous I didn't offend anyone. I've burnt alot of bridges so far, and I didn't want to start any more fires today.

All in All it was a good time, it was a sealant added to the closure of a part of my life that I am proud of and glad I got to experience. I could tell you all the achievements this company has made while I was in the ranks. But thats boring. Lets just say we did some amazing stuff, got recoginized for it kinda, and we all made it back.

I'll always remember the times I had, good and bad, while in the Army. Like when I went and asked for mental help.... it got taken care of. Or the time in Korea when we had a water fight in the hallway of our barracks. There was one day when I had one of those silver/aluminum foil blankets on my back and I rode the gator on the flight line next to Mr. Miller and Mr Bollen. GOOD TIMES!

Now if we could just get paid.

5 Days left, Government shut downs and Parking spots

Its 3:30 in the morning, I just woke myself up by coughing. Good times!!

So its the 8th right now, I have 5 days left in the Army. I can grow a beard, cut my hair any way I want too. I can get piercings all over my face! I can get a tattoo of a tiger on the side of my head and have its claws come over one of cheeks. Will I do any of this; probably not. I got things to do! Drugs, boozing and dirty women are low priorities on my list of things to do. Now cleaner women with a good attitude and a go get em spirit....... I may have some time for. But only coffee and then I have got to keep moving.

I keep hearing and seeing people talk about the government shut down. I won't get paid, my friends in the army won't get paid, the guys overseas won't get paid. But we are all suppose to show up and pretend like nothing is wrong. In all fairness, we did raise our right hand and say we would defend this country. Money aside we have a job to do. Sucks, but we will get paid back pay. Even if I am out when this goes down, I will get back pay. I'm getting paid till July 5!!! Thats a good feeling.......paid for being a lazy bum! I'll be busier than a beaver right before the rainy season!!!!

For those of you who don't know, our government can't decide on a budget. We are 4 months into the new year. These politicians get paid between "too much money" and "Way too much money", to always be bickering and fighting over issues they are so out of touch with. I wonder if any of them actually know the kind of horrid conditions some of the schools in America are in, or how little our Teachers are making? Do they know that when they "break" for whatever reason and leave things undone, its hurting America more and more. These are the people who we voted for, they are to be our "voice"! And what are they saying,
"I don't like that", "thats not what I want".... blah blah blah.... always about what they want. The I game. Motherfucker you are not there to compete for some stupid medal that says your the best Senator/Congressman and you damn sure ain't getting no Tshirt for doing a good job! Maybe you can get revoted back in to play golf and do absolutely jack shit for Americans who need it. JEez bunch of lazy ass monkeys in Washington DC. Why did we vote for them again/???? These are the people who have made it possible for our youth's, America's future to believe they are entitled to something. That they do not have to work hard for anything, because everyone gets a damn trophy at the end of baseball season. We all get a pat on the back and a good job when we screw up now! WHAT IS GOING ON?????

I know I didn't have to work as hard as my parents, or grandparent's.  But I do know that hard work and a good job pays off. Or at least it use too. Now its all about how much ass you can kiss, or if you pulled the right number when you walked into the door..... ENOUGH! Work hard, do a good job and you will be rewarded with not being fired. End of Story.

Now, for the past few days I have been going to meetings, interviews and ACAP briefs. The Army makes it easy for soldiers to move into the next chapter in their lives. You get help with resume's, interviews, clothing selections..... pretty much everything. Great ideas, and great planning techniques. My problem is with the parking spaces outside...... and all over Fort Riley.

Does everyone know that you are to put your car in between the white lines? Was there a new law passed that said if you park close enough at the end of the laid out grid of white lines.... its okay, Close enough? I drive around for a few minutes find a parking spot maybe a little further from the door, but its okay, I need the exercise. Some jackass in a damn Cadillac or Jacked up truck decides they just can't walk that far; so they park right next to the lines. Then block the traffic flow and its a pain to try and manuever around them. Assholes!

Well thats enough for this one. Today is my farewell luncheon. Maybe we will have tea and cake. I wonder if anyone will show up......? We'll see!! Till the next time!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Second First of Many

So, this is my second First blogg! I kinda didn't know what to do on the last. Anyways, I have 6 days left in the army. 2 of which are Saturday and Sunday. I'm getting excited and nervous. I'm also a bit grumpy this morning. Seems our building runs out of hot water, or has no water pressure at all. One of many things I hate about the Army. Its not Big Army's fault, but being a single soldier you would expect us to be taken care of a lil better. But we aren't married so our comfort is put to the back of the list of things needed. A roof, and a bed, maybe a meal or two. Thats all we really need.

I'll be moving back to Texas to stay with my Mom while my Stepdad is deployed to Afghanistan for a few months. Then its off to Sunny Arizona where I will learn the ways of the grain(woodgrain) from the Staff at Roberto-Venn School of Luthiery. Guitar building!!

Each morning for the past few days I have had to go down to my company area to "check-in". Basically go to work, in uniform to prove that I am still alive. Waste of my time and not really all that exciting. I do get to see everyone from work, and what is going on. But that is the extent of it. After that I am basically waiting to go to some appointment somewhere for a short amount of time. It's not like I can't just call, or text someone to tell them I am not AWOL! Useless waste of gas, time and sleep!